Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Rick Jones....omg

my goodness, i am a little bit swoony after this one. i've mentioned vimeo before, but i'll say it again: it's awesome (thank you kim!). totally different from youtube, it has a flavor all its own.

like this one.
is he singing to me? he's probably singing to you, but is he singing to me?
oh my goodness....i can't even begin to talk about how many levels of amazing are in this video.

i gotta meet this guy.

in love,

agng, i know you know what i'm talking about....this guy is definitely on the bus.

"LOVE" from RICK JONES on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. oh, yeah... such sweet singing.

    we're gonna need a second bus before we know it ;)


    ps also i love the background!
