Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Seasonal Favorites!

happy winter solstice! you just might celebrate it as christmas, but in fact, christmas was moved to dec. 25 to overshadow the pagan celebration of the winter solstice! bring the green inside! (christmas tree) light up the night! (christmas tree lights) sacrifice a pig! (ham dinner) put up a wreath! (good luck for a healthy year) wahoo! but for those of you who might have sentimental seasonal memories, here are mine!

ok, so clearly this is not on everyone's list of favorites because my friend kara just ran out of the room due to the fact that the snowman melts at the end of this cartoon and brings up bad memories. maybe a lesson on impermanence is a little heavy for a christmas classic, but remember, this is only after a snowman dance party in the woods hosted by santa!

p.s. kara just threatened to boycott my blog due to my insistence on including this video in today's post. for the record, you can stop watching the video after the snowman dance party if you want to skip the sad ending. and if this video makes you as sad as kara, be sure to watch the next three.

scrooged is my favorite christmas movie of all time! this is the ending. some important back information so you know what's going on: bill murray is scrooge and a tv executive. he just figured it out. then, dance party/sing-a-long!

adam sandler's chanukah song...what a success! i have always loved this song, and i am pretty sure that most of my friend's my age know all the words. i wish there were more awesome chanukah themed youtube videos, but they seem to be in short supply. i guess that's because it is not one of the most important jewish holidays...but send me some if you know some!

the last part of "how the grinch stole christmas"! awesome!

and to top it all off, a little commercial for "buy nothing day"! R.I.P. Demore, the wal-mart employee who got trampled.

have a wonderful day! and happy holidays! however you spend them!

in love,


  1. oh! that part when the little boy runs back to hug the snowman. yowza. right to the heart.

    thanks darling,

  2. "both jewish!"

    that song'll put a smile on your face. for sure. i effing love anthems. so much. jeez.

